Welcome to toncenter dump store

This repository contains periodic archives of toncenter databases that should help you to quickly bootstrap systems such as indexer without need to reindex entire network and/or operate your own archival node. Dumps are compressed with plzip

Available dumps:

  1. PostgreSQL 15 dump of indexer v2 mainnet database Download
  2. PostgreSQL 15 dump of indexer v2 testnet database Download

Load of postgresql backup

Here is a simplified example command used to restore dump into already excisting database called mainnet:
curl -s https://dump.toncenter.com/dumps/latest_indexer_v2.tar.lz | plzip -d -n8 | pg_restore --clean --dbname=mainnet
Exact syntax of pg_restore parameters depends on your environment, for example database might belong to another user which you will need to specify with -U parameter. Please consult PostgreSQL pg_restore documentation for more details.